Depart Bristol Harbor Inn
Turn right out of Bristol Harbor Inn
259 Thames St, Bristol, RI 02809
Continue south on Thames St
0.3 mi
Turn left at the end of the road onto Constitution St
400 ft
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Hope St/RI-114S
1.6 mi
Continue straight onto RI-114 S and cross Mount Hope Bridge
0.5 mi
Turn right at lights onto Bristol Ferry Road/RI-114 South
1.2 mi
Continue straight across junction with Sprague St towards R-138 S
1.0 mi
Turn right onto RI-138S East Main Road at Bank of Newport
1.0 mi
ATTENTION: At the cannon, bear right onto Middle Road
Immediately cross junction with Hedly St at Town Hall, continue on Middle Road
1.3 mi
Turn right on Middle Road at junction with Schoolhouse Lane
1.0 mi
Turn left at junction onto Union St
0.1 mi
Turn right at traffic lights onto East Main Road
0.2 mi
ATTENTION: Turn left at traffic lights onto Sandy Point Ave
0.6 mi
Turn right onto Wapping Rd
2.9 mi
Turn left onto 3rd Beach Rd at Howland Park
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Green End Avenue at first crossroads intersection
1.0 mi
Turn left onto Paradise Avenue at first crossroads intersection
2.3 mi
Keep right onto Purgatory Road at Second Beach
1.2 mi
Turn left at traffic lights onto Memorial Blvd, RI-138A, past Easton’s Beach
Turn left at traffic lights onto Bellevue Ave passing the Audrain Museum on the left
0.4 mi
Turn left at traffic lights onto Narragansett Ave
0.4 mi
Turn right at Ochre Point Ave
Arrive and turn into Ochre Court and park where directed