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Depart Ochre Court

Ochre Point Ave, Newport, RI 02840

Turn right out of gate on Ochre Point Ave

150 ft

Turn left onto Narragansett

0.5 mi

Turn right onto Bellevue Ave at traffic lights

0.4 mi


Pass the Audrain Automobile Museum

222 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840

Turn right onto RI-138A E/Memorial Blvd at traffic lights

1.4 mi

Turn right onto Purgatory Rd at traffic lights

0.8 mi

At bottom of hill at Second Beach turn right onto Hanging Rock Rd

0.3 mi

At fork, stay left on Hanging Rock Rd towards Norman Bird Sanctuary

0.3 mi


Head north on Hanging Rock Rd and across junction with 3rd Beach Rd

0.6 mi

Continue onto Indian Ave

1.9 mi

Turn left onto Old Mill Ln towards RI-138

0.4 mi

Turn right onto Wapping Rd

1.9 mi

Turn left onto Sandy Point Ave at end of road to RI-138

2.3 mi

Turn right at traffic lights onto East Main Road, RI-138

1.1  Mi


Turn left onto Union St at traffic lights (POLICE)

0.1  Mi

ATTENTION: after just 100 yards turn right onto Middle Rd (VOLUNTEER)

1.2 mi

Turn left to stay on Middle Rd at junction with Schoolhouse Lane

1.7 mi

ATTENTION: Turn left onto Hedly St at crossroads next to Town Hall

0.2  Mi

Turn Right at West Main Road traffic lights RI-114 N (DOWNHILL GRADE AT LIGHTS)

0.3  Mi

ATTENTION: Move to left lane on West Main Rd then take left turn to Bristol

Rt. 114N


Turn left at traffic lights onto Bristol Ferry Road/Turnpike R114N

1.1  Mi

Turn left onto Mount Hope Bridge

1.2  Mi

Bear left and follow sign for Rt. 114N

0.7 mi

Stay left to remain on Rt. 114N along the water on your left

0.9 mi

Continue straight on Hope St. to State St clock on the left

0.1  Mi

Turn left onto State St by the clock

120 yds

Turn right onto Thames St


Arrive at Bristol Harbor Inn and enter through the archway

Please park your car where directed